バス、電車等に割り込むと 行列割り込み等の罪
事件や事故に遭遇して協力しないと 変事非協力の罪
刃物・棒をもっていると 凶器携帯の罪
ドライバーや工具をもっていると 侵入具携帯の罪
人が住んでいないところにいると 潜伏の罪
It is law to be inherent in the life that is the cause and effect method
I invite 悪果 if I acquire a cause of evil
Even if I escape from law judged at a trial. It is not escaped from the life method
I mention the Minor Offenses Act a little
The crime that I stand in line when I squeeze in through a bus, the train and interrupt
When meet with a case and an accident, and do not cooperate; a crime of the accident noncooperativity
When I have a knife, a stick Crime of the weapon carrying
When have a driver and a tool; a crime of the tool for invasion carrying
When is in the place where a person does not live; a crime of the hiding
It is to protect one’s body to know the law
The wire fraud is a grave offense most
This evil deed will curse family to all ages
励まし言葉365言 14 世間法より厳しい法律がある
